The last years of the 20th century and early 21st century, Vietnam witnessed the development of the mass rush of emerging urban type sprouting everywhere. So to keep momentum of economic development of the country, the new urban quickly spread throughout the provinces, runs along the coast, going into villages along the peoples of Central, on the western north or south down to the river of the Mekong Delta. For more than 20 years developing a hurry, cities in Vietnam have contributed agent "global climate change", besides, we are gradually losing indigenous cultural regions. Offs beautiful waters, natural forests, farmland and traditional local culture with pure tourist areas and industrial zones to bring tourism resources, economic resources for land country and people, resulting in a natural environment is destroyed and the local culture in each region is altered.
The contradiction between the interests of urgency offs sustainable future for the country that we have to have the strategic direction and overall planning can find a way to reconcile the living environment of human beings can live in harmony with nature and enhance local culture. In the limit of this article, just introduced a strategic planning sustainable, dynamic and very natural state of Florida in the United States, where geography and climate much like Vietnam.
The system of lakes Orlando intertwined with the system "green space", created the system of regional climate.
The construction industry has advocated Vietnam and interested in the issue of climate change, but still experimental or imposed, lacking in strategy as a common vision for the national master plan, rather change human consciousness, a sense of community to the national strategy, etc. It seems that the new reforms "perceptions of disaster" and not to the implementation phase.
In the US, Hurricane Andrew in August 1992 attack on the state of Florida and Louisiana with winds up to 280km / h makes America harm to 26.5 billion dollars. Lessons for senior managers in Florida are required to have overall strategic planning, oriented to self-adaptation to global climate change and the need to rely on the fundamental ecological The new domain is available with high efficiency. Since then, the research programs and schemes against storms are implementing. From the coastguard as rehabilitation dune systems, buffers, riparian and coastal zones software, improvement of protection forest system, increasing the number of lakes or wind-driven research, economic development economic zones to guide planning, etc. They adjust and re-create the local ecology and coastal areas of climates (the system links the ecological environment is also available which is always self-regulation, and the balance of nature). This helped planners can plan an effective overall, the harmonious combination infrastructure planning and architecture with ecology available.
In the constituent documents of the association "new urbanism" at the Charter of the New urbanism, was written as follows:
"We advocate the restructuring of public policy and development practices to support the theo Principles: Neighborhoods nên DIVERSE in use and population; Communities nên Designed for the pedestrian and transit as well as the car; cities and towns shouldnt be shaped by physically defined and universally accessible public spaces and community Institutions; urban places shouldnt be framed by architecture and landscape design mà Celebrate local history, climate, ecology, and building practice "
"We advocate the restructuring of public policy and development practices to support the following principles: neighborhoods should be diverse in use and population, community areas should be designed for riders and transport as well as the car, cities and towns should be shaped by the availability of natural areas, public spaces and community organizations are best connection possible for people using use; urban areas must be held by architecture and landscape design to embellish and celebrate local history, climate, ecology, on the practice of building regulations. "
The analysis shows that, in the middle of the last century in the United States, the creation of an industrial city with the highway that runs connecting residential areas sprang up on the street block board, and the villas typical villa in the courtyard garden to suit the individual needs of each person, but the outlying, remote communities, the main source of cultural change within social relationships, community relations, and human nature, have gradually lost interest in the share of individuals with the community and the people around her. The district community service has been planned and designed a "pragmatic", boring, vulgar and unfriendly.
Due to the spread of this, forest land, agricultural land is lost with the destruction of the environment while building a wide range of industrial, residential, and highways. In Florida, US - they began to regulate and limit the spread of this development in the new planning criteria, in order to increase the density of construction, as well as planning and investment to facilitate the public services for citizens. In the decade of the 90s, they have created the community area with vitality as Seaside, Windsor, Celebration, Wellington, etc., or renovation of old buildings and the wharf in Ybor City in Tampa Chanelside, create the community is planning construction of high density combined residential, infrastructure and urban services has organized and managed closely. Besides that, there are cultural events each week, creating the interactive space, enhance the cultural life feel and aesthetic appreciation in the form of architectural space and aesthetic diversity, additional spiritual life of the people. The residential community has created the new live cultures brought overwhelming success for real estate investors, while the middle class and upper class tend to choose their homes in the planning area to be living in space with modern amenities neighbors cultural activities or to participate in community cultural activities. The success of the community area is demonstrated when the US real estate market declines of the year 2008-2012, the community areas do not fluctuate in price.
Along with the planned development of urban ecological zones. Florida also implemented a reform program in response to flooding including in-depth study of the power and devastation of the storm to more accurately predict the storm, the overall planning of the state in drainage system, rehabilitation system "natural green" to the defense, upgrade the management building regulations, the city manager, and construction standards compatible with the environment.
The success of the new urban area in Florida demonstrated needs of dynamic modern cities, utility services, community and cultural activities. However, at the beginning of the planning area is only for the rich world, the architectural form and only scraped appearance and artificial, still formal and imposing. By the early 21st century, the city of Sarasota and St. Petersburg apply the model of "community-compatible", which means that these communities are always dynamic regulatory or collision when combined with the surrounding communities in the development and implementation of programs "Development of green space", "improve global climate change", "build and preserve local culture." By using the model of local architectural materials to suit the climate and local culture in order to reduce the cost of raw materials, using readily available materials, applying green standards; from energy savings, increased green space, using green materials, etc. harmony with the community activities associated with the local culture, history, culture and renovation of existing local spatial planning in modern architecture. These models are being planned orientation of the current work plan for "the rhythm" civilized lifestyle.
One corner of the city of Saint Petersburg, Florida
One corner of the city of Sarasota, Florida
Vietnam has a small area, but there are so many diverse ecological zones, this really is a unique tourist attraction, as well as assets to be protected by nature endowed the country. Florida (USA) and Vietnam have many similarities to the coast, climate, etc. While the program to respond to climate change in Vietnam is still in the preparatory phase, learn, we can study the application of the model that the state of Florida applicable to the field of planning and construction for over 20 years, that is:
1. Risk management caused by natural disasters and development master plan for the whole country based on ecological models available in each sub-zone climate of the country
"Planning for climate change is not necessarily about being green. It really is about managing your to-risk, "
"Planning for climate change deal does not necessarily transform into a green environment. But it really is risk management, "(roughly translated)
Quote saying Lara Whitely Binde, researchers Climate Change Impacts Group's offices, one in eight groups climate change research was funded by the United States (NOAA).
We can not foresee what will happen, we only calculate the best ability to prepare and adjust to minimize losses, such as risk management. Therefore, application of planning models according to ecological state of Florida with measures to reduce the risk of disaster response is consistent with the existing environment of Vietnam.
2. Apply planned residential areas according to their size "New Urban" and improve the old urban
Apply planning model "New Urban" will help us to have a civilized urban infrastructure, facilities for life, and is important in this new urban platform, we can build and combined to recreate and preserve ancient culture of the nation, as well as seeking to raise additional folds of the new culture of Vietnam. For the model village and municipality must incorporate existing building codes and planning accordingly, apply the model relaxing population density, increase green areas, improve infrastructure systems community. Besides raising awareness of living a civilized lifestyle amenities and friendly environment; bring modern lifestyle amenities in humans, with the planned construction of appropriate regulations, to know how to expand and renovate the space in conjunction with the local ecology, preserve and enhance the cultural identity sticky purely as family, lifestyle, community sticky. Urban areas such as Phu My Hung, also gradually do that in Vietnam.
3. Application of the "urban model adaptation" to climate change and culture
Vietnamese cultural communities and organizations which have high community, always friendly and adapt to the natural environment is very good, it is advantageous for us to be able to apply for planning design ideas new architecture. Combined with the thought "new town" and "Urban Adaptation" is what to do. In Vietnamese culture, ideology is the oldest agricultural community development based on regional climate. Besides, the Vietnamese community culture and create harmonious culture and adapt to the conditions existing at the local level. This is to say, based on the identity, ideology and culture of the Vietnamese available, combining new ideas of the world, we will easily receive more and better development.
Photos of the annual storm, threaten the coastal province of Phu Yen to Quang Ninh, suggesting there is always the fear of coastal residents for the annual rainy throughout many generations. We are proud to be the country with a long coastline, beautiful, natural scenery lis period, besides the fear, the annual rain storms swept away many lives and property. That storm caused by nature, abetted by their own people by causing climate change worldwide. Then "recession storm culture" is taking place in different regions around the country. Two "storm" will increasingly grow slowly, harming the country and people of Vietnam, so we must have appropriate strategies and practical help assured people live and cope with disasters .
His father had built social ideology environmentally friendly suit regional climate, the culture created by the village community is characterized by location. Although today we have built to develop the country, serving the needs of life for human civilization, in advance, we had harmed, affect the environment, culture, and social Assembly. So, if applicable methods that US planners in Florida did 20 years ago in Vietnam, which means that we should take the path of development of "smart cities", is built urban development under the new urban model combined with planning, architecture, culture and local communities living in harmony overall natural conditions of the climate regions in the standard building practices. The municipality must interactive connect old new cultures, indigenous, exotic and domestic life in the community, creating a diverse and vibrant culture, the Vietnam can safely hold conserve and protect natural assets that Mother Nature bestowed, and cultural background which his father left. It is the duty and responsibility of the authorities, who have the expertise, and the whole society.
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