National Geographic magazine story brought to Nha Trang beach group of the world's worst lovers of the sea makes VN heartbreaking. It's not only foreigners for the cruise VN stern warnings, but now "the house" when the cruise research has long shown an increased risk affecting the sector "industrial Smoke "is.
Prof. Dr. Le Huy Ba said the Institute for Science, Technology and Environmental Management Industry University HCMC, so he made abbot, completed report entitled "Survey assessment of environmental pollution caused by the tourism, hotels, motels along the beach Binh Thuan, find solutions to reduce pollution and sustainable development of tourism in Binh Thuan. "
Photos inside: Garbage on the beach full of Mui Ne - Binh Thuan (Photo: Mexican Thuan Thanh Chau Wall)
Increased risk of "red tide"
The study results showed that although bring many benefits such as economic growth and cultural exchanges, to create jobs for local workers ... but tourism also plays a major role in environmental degradation Coastal, one of the pressing environmental issues that Binh Thuan province is facing.
Results of the survey of coastal water quality of Binh Thuan has detected the target N-NH3, BOD5, coliform and total suspended solids are higher than those prescribed in the area has many tourist activities such as coastal New Ham, Ham Thuan Nam, La Gi, and Tuy Phong Phan Thiet City.
According to the researchers, the discharge of the main tourist resorts, restaurants and activities of fishermen has contributed to the increased risk of red tides (known as the phase of the algal bloom outbreaks sea, attack and injure a series of marine mammals, molluscs and crustaceans) annually in this area.
Typically in May 7/2002, red tide phenomenon as 90% of marine aquatic destroyed, 82 people were toxic algae causing itching, swelling, jaundice. Sea water and air pollution serious lasting several months later. By 2004, red tide appeared in waters within a radius of 20km Tuy Phong, algal density than 10cm seawater pollution, terrible stench. In 2005, the area of Mui Ne, Phan Thiet appear red tide phenomenon between 8/2009 and to, at the inlet Phu Hai, Rom, Phan Thiet as red tide phenomenon of mass mortalities.
Beach "dead" because of waste
In addition, according to the study group, the most common along the coast today is full of waste from municipal waste, household waste, waste from agricultural activities, garbage hospital waste the fishing, aquaculture, waste from marine transportation, oil and gas ... are discharged directly into the sea. In particular, in addition to the waste from the coastal activities also include the waste from the mainland.
Photos inside: At Nha Trang, along the beach easily caught many dirty direct outlet to the sea like this
Particularly in Binh Thuan, waste land under seven major rivers entering the sea and the waves were pulled ashore polluting beaches and resorts. Especially at bay Phan Thiet, waste from Ca Ty River and the Gulf Cai long stagnant with a variety of household waste, produce, seafood processing.
Meanwhile, the management of sanitation in tourist areas are still many shortcomings, such as lack of garbage collection workers, the disposition of garbage containers and garbage guidelines in the resort inappropriate reasonable or too little.
On the other hand, the tourism business establishments do not have waste water treatment systems, many tourists littering arbitrary and hawkers do not collect leftovers guests were thrown on the sand ... cause cell localized in some areas, tourist spots.
In particular, according to Prof. Dr. Le Huy Ba, black sand mining (titanium) also contributed to the pollution of the coastal environment of the province.
The research project also showed that the planning of tourism development in Binh Thuan not keep up with the requirements of development, resulting in many projects being implemented but not yet fully assessed the impact of environmental resources, by that there are no effective preventive measures.
From the fact that the researchers did not hesitate to recommend local mandatory application of the model waste collection, waste water treatment from tourism activities and the activities of coastal residents to cut source pollution.
It is a warning to the local general along the coast of Vietnam.
North Highlands - Photo: Mexican Thuan Thanh - Asian Wall (according